Here's What You Get in the Mummy's Bonus Package When You Join LEN by the Deadline:
1. Complete Dental Self Care Package - Like Being Your Own Dentist But Without the Drilling. (This includes how to get your own MummyPaste.)
If you have tootache pain or extreme nerve sensitivity in your teeth and you want to handle it the natural way then the frequently updated MummyPaste report is what you need. (NOTE: I have already added five major updates to the orginal program. You get a TON of options for dealing with toothpain problems.)
Format: (Text and Video. There are many parts to this and at this time I honestly do not know the exact format to all the different parts of this comprehensive program.
2. "Dude, You Can Fix That" Livestream Event Otherwise Known as the Dudestream.
This event is loaded with rare youth-restoring, body beautifying and deep healing information. The info in here is a game changer and there's so much valuable info that I cannot cover it all in a sentence or two. Full details below.
Format: Video, Follow along audio transcript, video also has closed captions.
3. "SVS Omega 3 Pumpkin Recipe"
This is a new and ultra delicious Savory Veggie Stews recipe that is so nutrient rich that just one recipe accounts for 79% of my daily nutrient needs.
Format: Video Presentation
See below for more details about this life changing and healing information.
Wouldn't it be great if you could fire your dentist and never go to a dentist again? I have done just that. I've not been to a dentist since somewhere around 1998 or 1999.
Though I've certainly had some dental issues. But so far I've learned how to deal with those issues without the "assistance" of a dentist.
In fact, I've learned many valuable pieces of information that would put a lot of dentists out of business if everyone knew about them. And below you'll find out what those things are.
I'm running a very limited time special on LEN membership. You're going to receive a super bonus package valued at $228.99 in real world value when you join. See below to find out more.
A. Complete Dental Self Care Package - Like Being Your Own Dentist But Without the Drilling.
1. Mighty Mouth Dental Invicibility System - (Already comes with LEN membership)
- How to Never Get a Cavity Again, Wipe Out Gum Disease and Potentially Regrow Adult Teeth
(NOTE: Only about 40% of the human population has the proper genetics and or DNA to regrow new teeth. But everyone can stop any future cavities and get rid of gum disease entirely.)
2. How to Remineralize or REGROW Your Teeth with a 15 cents per day herbal supplement. (This info is located in the Dudestream Recordings of which you will be gaining full access to as well.)
3. Natural Novocaine - This herb is a very powerful anesthetic. If you have toothpain, an abscessed tooth or nerve sensitivity or even an exposed nerve in a missing filling tooth like I do, then this will be a Godsend for you. Plus I show you how to use it to get the best results. Most people who know about this herb don't know this. In fact, you'll be learning about several herbs that are potent anesthetics.
4. Mummys' Toothache Paste (MummyPaste) - The "Ultimate Natural Toothpaste Alternative" that costs about 1 penny per tooth brushing. (Hint: It's not toothsoap. And in my experience it's way better and overall more useful than toothsoap. Plus it tastes great and works as a potent mouthwash as well.)
Here are some of the MummyPaste benefits.
* Incredible disinfectant and antibiotic action. Great if you have a toothache due to a tooth infection or abscessed tooth. All I have to do is brush my teeth and the toothache pain (that kept me from sleeping two nights in a row) is gone.
* Pain relieving as well. It also has an anesthetic effect on painful areas like when you have a tooth abscess, toothache or even nerve sensitivity. Yet safe to use as your everyday toothpaste alternative even if you don't have any toothpain.(Though this is not quite as powerful an anesthetic as the Natural Novocaine I mentioned before. There are times you don't want to use such a powerful anesthetic as the Natural Novocaine because it leaves your mouth, gums and lips feeling numb.)
* Anti-inflammatory properties which is vitally important for relieving tooth and gum related pain.
* No abrasive particles to scratch the teeth like with baking soda, yet amazing at cleaning stains off of your teeth. I can tell by how dirty the saliva that comes out of my mouth when brushing with it.
* Leaves your mouth feeling incredibly clean and minty fresh. Yup this totally replaces the need for any mouthwash too.
* No chemicals... just a single, very powerful and dirt cheap herbal ingredient.
* No flouride
* Squeaky clean teeth after brushing.
* Super cheap at about 1 cent per tooth brushing (or less) depending on which brand and how much you buy. (Buying in bulk gives you a volume discount. Also, I'll show you a high quality brand that sells for much lower than its inferior competition.)
Also you will find out about what I call “Triple Threat Herbs” of which the natural Novocaine is one and the ultimate natural toothpaste alternative is another.
Meaning the herb has these three important pain relieving properties all at once.
1. Anti-inflammatory
2. Antibiotic or antimicrobial
3. Pain relieving or analgesic and or anesthetic
The benefit of these triple threat herbs is that they can reduce pain in at least three different ways. They are especially helpful if your pain has to do with a bacterial or microbial infection of some kind. Which is often the case when it comes to your teeth and gums. And of course, if your pain is due to swelling or inflammation.
B. The Dudestream Youth Restoring, Beautifying and Deep Healing Event - (Formats: Video with closed captions, searchable audio playback transcript and searchable mind map) Instant Access Sold separately at $155.55 (Yes people have bought it by itself at that price) but you'll get the Dudestream Recording and the Complete Dental Self Care Package plus a full month of membership at Light Energy Nutrition for less than the Dudestream price alone.
Why is the Dudestream Recording my hottest selling product since Savory Veggie Stews?
I think a big part of it was simply this information on how to remineralize teeth. Turns out a LOT of people have tremendous dental problems. And being able to fill in cavities and have your teeth regrow at will can help with a lot of those problems.
But that is just the tip of the Dudestream iceberg. You'll also learn all sorts of youth restoring, beautifying and healing tips and tricks that you have probably never heard about before.
For instance, wouldn't it be great to turn your white and grey hair back to its natural color? Or what about filling in that bald spot with your own hair?
Yes, it's quite possible to do both. I myself must have reduced my gray hairs by at least 50%.
Below is a quick summary of some of the topics discussed in the "Dude, You Can Fix That" event.
Check out all of these health and aging problems that I've found non-toxic solutions for.
1. Grey or white hairs
2. Balding (Both male and female hair loss issues)
3. Wrinkles
4. Hearing loss & or Deafness (I have personally improved my hearing loss of more than 20-years by at least 50% if not more by doing this.)
5. Easy way to clean out excess ear wax. (You probably never heard of this but it works great and you can get it for next to nothing. Much cheaper than the drops specifically made for breaking down ear wax.)
6. Loose teeth, bleeding gums or pyorrhea (Multiple ways to reverse this. Even in cases where the dentist decided that all of a patients teeth needed to be pulled because of the severe pyorrhea.)
7. Receding gum line
8. Varicose veins
9. Super stubborn warts on the hands, arms, etc. and plantar
10. Bleeding (How to stop bleeding almost instantly. Even with deep cuts that would normally need stitches.)
11. Stinky pits (Never use toxic deoderant again. Very inexpensive and all natural solution.)
12. Dry hands (One ingredient natural moisturizer that doesn't leave your hands greasy and is very inexpensive.)
13. Colds and the Flu (The Flummunity Four Protocol - $49.99 Value) [Never suffer from a cold, flu, pneumonia and bronchitis again.]
14. New Topic: Moles and skin tags (Quick, easy, painless and inexpensive way to get rid of them.)
Some Bonus or Unannounced Topics I Ended Up Discussing on the Dudestream Live Event
How to beat cooked food cravings in the evening.
(If you're struggling with cooked food addictions it generally means that you're doing something wrong. When you eat raw correctly it's extremely satisfying, delicious and filling. Both Jake and I shared a whole bunch of techniques to easily overcome dinnertime cooked crap cravings. I used to have the exact same problem as this woman who asked the question. But that has not been an issue now for almost two decades at this point. I'm just sharing my history so that you know this can indeed be overcome. It shouldn't be a struggle to eat your natural diet. But there certainly is an adjustment period. However, if you know and use some of the tips and tricks we revealed, it's really rather easy to deal with dinnertime cooked crap cravings.)
How to Heal Bad Eyesight and Even Blindness (I've added a detailed section of testimonial stories from using this particular herbal formulation for many different kinds of eye and eyesight related problems to the mind map. The testimonials are miraculous. From glaucoma, to cataracts to blindess all healed.)
How to Remineralize Teeth - (I've been making dramatic progress over the last two months since I started doing this. In fact, at one point my teeth where growing and remineralizing too quickly and caused me pain in my gums because they were being stretched out by the new tooth growth. This same information is fantastic for reversing osteoporosis and healing broken bones quickly.)
How to Repair Your Damaged DNA (This is CRUCIAL to making you biologically young and energetic and for making everything in your body work right.)
How to Heal All Sorts of Very Bad Digestive System Problems (I've personally healed my digestive tract tremendously by taking an inexpensive herbal supplement. DS told me about it and said that it heals the entire digestive tract. And boy did it work miracles for me.
In fact, I spoke about two herbs that are very effective in healing all sorts of digestive system diseases. I used to get frequent ulcers and or stomach aches if I made any misstep with my diet. Well it's been over two years now since I've had an ulcer or even a significant stomach ache.)
To get full details of what I covered on the Dudestream Event you can go here:
Dudestream Recordings Info:
All you have to do to gain this superpack of life enhancing bonuses is to join my Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) group before the countdown timer hits zero.
Light Energy Nutrition (LEN)
Or click on the button below.
Please email us at...
support ( at ) superbeing ( dot ) com
Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,
Roger Haeske
Divinity Enforcer
The 55-Year Old Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 21-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"