The Dementia Fix & Bionic Brain Emergency Sale Expires When the Countdown Timer Hits Zero


How to Heal Alzheimer's and Dementia the Natural Way While Dramatically Improving Memory Starting in 3-Days

And Have Advanced Dementia and Alzheimer's Patients Talking in 30-Days or Less

Plus... How to Raise Your IQ, Creativity and Overall Brain Function to Near Genius Levels While Creating a Steel Trap Memory

Announcing The Dementia Fix and Bionic Brain System Live Video Event on Saturday, June 15th Starting at 12pm Noon Pacific or Los Angeles Time and 3pm Eastern or New York City Time. 

NOTE: This live event will last a mininum of two hours but could go longer. Please bring your questions.

If you can't make it live that is fine, there will also be a video replay available.

Roger Haeske - The Youth Guru
Roger Haeske - The Youth Guru & Eternal Teanajer
Creator of "The Dementia Fix & Bionic Brain System"

Recently, I was surprised to find out that most people who go to doctors are told there is NOTHING they can do to heal dementia or Alzheimer's disease. All they can seemingly do is help to ease some of the symptoms for a while.

But I have some FANTASTIC NEWS, this is total BS. Today you are going to learn how you too can reverse Alzheimer's and dementia because it has been done many times in the past already.

So many Alzheimer's and dementia patients (and their families) truly believe this ridiculous lie and suffer in needless misery for the next 10 or more years of their lives as their body and mind falls apart believing there is absolutely nothing they can do to stop it.

I haven't gone to a doctor in almost 30 years so I'm not exposed to the medical "professions" very limited beliefs in what can be healed or not.

* The Dementia and Alzheimer's Death Sentence  

It is considered a death sentence because in the advanced stages these diseases will eventually kill you. For the brain controls many of the body functions and when the brain deteriorates so do vital life functions like breathing and swallowing all throughout the body. It is far more than just about memory loss.

In the late stages of Alzheimer's you can lose all sorts of physical abilities including the ability to walk, talk and even control your bowel movements and bladder.

And you know what?

This notion that there is no cure for Alzheimer's or dementia is a HUGE and very profitable lie told to you by the medical establishment.

(Not to mention that the diagnosis of Alzheimer's is completely bogus - there is no conclusive physical evidence to prove the diagnosies of Alzheimer's. So it's really just dementia anyway.)

The truth is no one on Earth should be suffering from Alzheimer's, dementia and many other brain related diseases. 

And these doctors also have the nerve to say that dementia and Alzheimer's have nothing to do with diet. Yet, NOTHING could be further from the truth!

That is another a blatant lie told by the Medical Mafia so that they can line their pockets with gold while sucking away the financial lifeblood of you and your family.

I myself was starting to have some early signs of dementia but now they are completely gone since I added a few potent brain herbs to my daily regimen. This is a 3-herb formula I call "The Bionic Brain Formula" and you will learn how to get access to this formula further below.

One of my senior citizen healing clients had a several signs of dementia including a very bad memory and her memory improved dramatically in 3 days simply by taking a special combination of brain herbs I recommended for her. And one of these herbs is not specifically for the brain but it makes the other herbs work way better as a result of using it.

I know two healers who have healed hundreds of patients with dementia and Alzheimer's. Including people who hadn't talked for 2 or 3 years already. And they did it without drugs or surgery. They used similar but different methods to get their  seemingly miraculous healing results.

The healings seem like miracles only because the medical establishment is in the dark ages of healing. These healings are not miraculous at all. It's just understanding how the body works and then fixing the problem like a mechanic would repair an engine.

I'm here to wake you up so that you stop believing the lies or bad information your doctors are telling you. Dementia and Alzheimer's have been fully reversed and healed hundreds if not thousands of times.

But your doctor doesn't want to learn how to heal these things. It's not his business and it's not profitable for him to heal his or her patients either.

* What are the Real Causes of Dementia?

The bottom line is this.

There are two main causes of Alzheimer's and dementia in general and these factors don't even come on the radar screens of typical MDs.

These two factors are:

1. Acids stuck in the brain that can't be eliminated. Which means a clogged lymphatic system which most every adult American has to one degree or another.

2. A lack of oxygen and nutrients being delivered to the brain cells. Cells that don't get enough oxygen and nutrients soon start to malfunction and then die as a result.

Fix those two things then all sorts of different kinds of dementia and brain diseases can be healed. Not to mention that you can heal most other health problems anywhere else in the body that doctors falsely label as diseases.

Because with dementia it is most definitely not just a brain disease. It is a disease of stagnation and clogging of the lymphatic system throughout the entire body. This lymphatic system stagnation causes the body to become overly acidic. And acids are what end up damaging and then destroying the brain cells.

It's also a lack of proper kidney filtration which is one of your most important organs of elimination and a major part of the lymphatic system.

It's also due to clogged bowels and decades of mucoid plaque buildup in the colon. If you're not having at least 2 large bowel movements or more per day you are storing your feces (acidic waste products and toxins) inside your body. That acidic waste can build up over years and severely poison the body and the brain and is most definitely one of the potential causes of dementia.

These are things that even medical experts on the topic of healing dementia and Alzheimer's will never even consider as important factors in healing the dementia. But then again, they almost never understand the true causes of dis-ease either.

* Here's the truth of the matter.

Most people starting in their forties are already showing early signs of dementia.

And about 99% of senior citizens in most of the world that consume the Death Diet have dementia whether it is diagnosed or not.

I know this from personal experience due to about 20 years of teaching tennis and realizing that NONE of my senior citizen age students could really learn anything new. No matter how many times I taught them a skill it would almost never stick after many hours of tennis lessons.

It was so frustrating because my senior citizen tennis students really wanted to get better but they had very little ability to learn new body movements at all no matter what I tried with them.

Yet my younger students could usually learn these same new skills in a lesson or two.

Simple Signs You May be Developing Dementia:

* Do you have a hard time remembering simple words you used to know easily?

That is a potential sign of dementia. (And yes I had that problem already in my early 50s.)

* Is your memory getting worse than it was when you were younger?

That is yet another sign of dementia. (I had a worsening memory for over 4 decades already. Yet now my memory is better than when I was 8 years old.)

* Do you notice that you have a slower reaction time when you are driving or playing sports?

* What about increased irritability, anxiety and or depression?

These are also potential early warning signs of dementia.

Dementia is an inevitable result of the unnatural Death Diet that most Americans and Westerners consume. After decades of eating toxic cooked foods that are high in acids like meat, dairy and toxic chemicals and additives that don't belong in the human body, it will eventually damage the brain and start ripping it apart until it just stops working and you die as a result.

* The Most Expensive Disease in America

Here are some worrisome statistics:

Alzheimer’s costs $341,000 on average for the health needs of someone from diagnosis to death. Families pay 70 percent of this out of pocket.

And this cost does not include the average of 20 hours a week that a family member will need to take care of the person or be their caretaker with dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

Hence your dementia will not only cost you money and ruin your life, it will significantly worsen the life of family members who need to take care of you as you start losing the function of your mind and body. And it could potentially take away their life savings in trying to treat you through the medical system.

Hence, dementia is devastating disease in so many ways. The adult becomes the baby again and is totally dependent on others to survive. And she doesn't even recognize her spouse or her children anymore. That is horrifying.

This is an incredibly costly disease to treat via the medical system. And that is because they only treat symptoms. They have zero solutions for actually healing the cause of the problem.

And this is a complete waste of money.

Because not only can you easily reverse dementia and Alzheimer's you can do it for hundreds of thousands of dollars less than when you use the medical system.

There's simply no reason to suffer for 10 or 15 years when you can make dramatic improvements to the health in the first 30 days and get a major level of healing within 6-months or so. 

Treat the body right and it will start to heal itself.

In fact, many Alzheimer's and dementia patients have made dramatic improvements in their memories within 3 to 14-days with the methods you'll find inside "The Dementia Fix and Bionic Brain System".

And this is without the use of a single drug or surgery. Just natural healing, detox techniques, nutrition and adding the right nutrients to the diet. 

Are you making this very common mistake that even health conscious eaters make?

Changing the diet is also vital to success. You can most definitely heal by eating a cooked vegetarian or vegan diet. But it has to be done in a specific way for it to work. A large percentage of vegetarians, vegans and even raw foodists screw this up big time and think they are eating healthy when they are not.

If you don't make this simple change in your diet then even my Bionic Brain herbal formula won't be able to help you. This simple dietary adjustment is crucial to success.

Though eating 100% raw vegan is not necessary. However, it would improve your healing results when using my Raw Complete System.

More of the Unique Information You'll Find in the Program

I am also including information on a special group of physical exercises that do wonders for the brain and for people with dementia. They involve using a certain part of the human body that has the most nerve connections to the human brain by far compared to any other part of the body.

But there are several other unique factors about these exercises that make them strengthen the brain like nothing else.

Not one in 10,000 doctors will even know about these unique exercises let alone recommend doing them to their Alzheimer's and dementia patients. But doing these very fun exercises (they also produce a natural high) is super helpful to successfully healing the brain.

Some of these exercises are very simple to do and should be done by early and middle stage dementia patients to strengthen their brains by multiplying synaptic connections and by growing new brain cells or neurons to replace the ones that have died off.

People who do these kinds of exercises daily rarely if ever get dementia. There was a study on nuns that didn't get dementia that proved this.

And I have another exercise system that will dramatically increase the number of mitochondria in the brain cells and cells throughout the body. This means these cells have way more energy producing factories (mitochondria) and in turn your brain will work at lot faster and better.

* Brain Healing Massage Technique

Plus you will learn a special massage technique that anyone can do (no need to be a certified massage therapist) at home that is great for people with any kind of dementia or brain damage.

In one case just doing this massage alone got an Alzheimer's patient who hadn't talked for 2 years talking within ten minutes, during the actual massage and before doing any other healing therapies, detox or diet changes at all. 

Yes, it can work that quickly.

Who is this program good for?:   

Good For: All types of dementia (or senility), Alzheimer's, brain injuries and most brain related diseases and for improving general memory loss. Even people with Parkinson's should show significant improvement. Though this program is not specifically targeted for Parkinson's patients.

The Dementia Fix and Bionic Brain System Live Event is also a comprehensive system for anyone who wants to improve their memory, intelligence, mental sharpness, creativity and mood whether you are showing symptoms of Alzheimer's or dementia or not.

It's also for anyone who wants to have a great memory and genius like brain function until 100 years of age and beyond. Yes even at 100 years of age, if you know how to prevent damage to your body and brain, you can have a brain that functions like that of a healthy 25 year old.

In short, you will learn the information you need to learn to fully heal yourself or a family member of dementia or Alzheimer's. And of course, you will learn how to prevent this level of brain damage as well. Plus this will also help anyone who simply wants a better memory and increased IQ as well. This is great for high school and college students because of all the memorization they need to do.

In terms of healing dementia and Alzheimer's this includes regaining the ability to walk and talk for advanced cases. Some people with dementia who haven't spoken a cogent word in 2 or 3 years started talking again in a matter of weeks of doing these protocols.

Plus it will help you to improve your overall health big time.

Also some of these herbs have a great side benefit. They're very good for increasing your spiritual sensitivity. They have been used for thousands of years by yogis to help them get into the higher states of consciousness and for opening up the third eye and crown center chakras.

Other Benefits of The Dementia Fix Event

* Seizures - Prevent and dramatically lessen seizures to the point of where they don't happen anymore. (For people who struggle with seizures this information alone will be worth the price of admission.)

* Sciatica - Completely stop sciatica pain. At least one of the herbs in this program is specifically good for healing sciatica nerve damage and nerve damage in general. I know because it has completely eliminated my sciatica pain as long as I continue taking it. When I have run short on this herb in the past the sciatica pain came back withing less than a week of not taking it.

* General nerve damage - Heal nerves all throughout the body

* Kidneys - Heals damaged kidneys. Gain a high level of kidney filtration which means you are healing the kidneys and hence your healing your body's ability to eliminate acidic toxins that are causing the damage to your brain cells.

* Adrenal glands - This program also focuses on helping you to heal adrenal fatigue and overall adrenal gland weakness.

* Liver - We will also be using special herbs to heal the liver. The liver also plays a vital role in dementia cases.

* Digestive Tract - And you will learn how to heal the digestive tract. If you have ulcers or IBS or Colitis etc., this program will help your body to heal the entire digestive tract.

Though this is obviously not a program specifically designed to heal digestive system dis-eases. But you may be pleasantly surprised at how much your entire digstive system ends up healing as a result of following this protocol.

Where does my dementia healing information come from?  

It is a combination of study of several master herbalists, nutrition experts and brain and memory experts. And there is unique information on potent physical brain exercises that heal and strengthen the brain and detox the body. As well as my personal experience healing my own early signs of dementia and working with my healing clients. 

Plus my daily communication with the greatest healer of them all, my healing and spiritual guru DS (he is also the Divine Sound Current besides being the ultimate healing guru). His level of knowledge on healing and all things in general is simply incomprehensible.

Whenever I have a question regarding dementia or Alzheimer's issues I also ask DS for his opinion. He often tells me that even some of the best healers on the planet get little but crucially important details of how to heal dementia wrong. 

I have been experimenting with improving brain power since November of 2016 or about 7.5 years now. I have seen tremendous improvement in my own memory and IQ as well of that in my clients.

What is unique about The Dementia Fix System is that it ties in several of the best resources in the world on this. And all of these high quality resources are also rarely known by doctors and the general public. 

And even though most of these resources are excellent, they all have some level of missing information. And sometimes their information which is overall great is just plain wrong in certain areas and it so freaking obvious to me but these experts have lots of blind spots due to certain limitations in their overall health and nutrition knowledge.

I will show you the best parts of these systems to use and where they may be lacking or just plain wrong. This way you won't make any unnecessary mistakes.

My extensive knowledge of Raw Food Nutrition, Herbology and the knowledge of the true causes of disease (which 99% of herbalists don't know) allows me to see much deeper into this subject than almost anyone else on the planet. And my contact with DS gives me true healing insights that no one else on the planet has.

What you are getting here is the top information from the finest healing and brain experts on the planet all condensed into the best combined resource in the world for healing dementia and super charging your memory and intelligence. 

I'll give you a detailed example of what I mean regarding the limitations of these resources by one of these experts that I refer to inside "The Dementia Fix System."

I've been studying a book about how to heal dementia by a very smart vegan doctor. And there are many very good points in his book. Part of his info on nutrition related to dementia is something I include in "The Dementia Fix."

But if you only follow the stuff in his book you'll only get about 10% of the benefit that my comprehensive system will give you. This guy is not even close to the best healer of people with dementia but he does have some useful information.

He very much limits his study to what is taught in the scientific literature. Yeah he is a geek about scientific studies. And that is a HUGE downfall or shortsightedness in his approach. Because some of the best knowledge in this field doesn't come from medical doctors or the so-called "scientific" literature or studies.

For instance, he has no idea how incredibly important (and mandatory) various detox methods are for healing dementia of all kinds. A clogged up body is one of the MAIN reasons people get dementia and if you don't unclog it you will NEVER fully fix the problem.

- No clue at all about how incredibly beneficial herbs are for healing the brain when used properly. He doesn't study or recommend herbs at all. This is a MEGA gap in his healing knowledge.

- No real understanding of the simple but true cause of dementia and of most dis-ease in general. Though he is getting close.

- No understanding of the advanced physical body brain exercise systems that multiply intelligence and memory dramatically. Yes he talks about the importance of exercise in general but he doesn't know about this exercises that are specific for increasing brain and memory function. 

- No mention of another breakthrough exercise system for healing the body.

- No knowledge of a certain part of the body that exercises the brain like nothing else simply by moving it in intricate ways.

- No understanding of how important raw foods are in general and certain specific raw foods can be for healing dementia. (Though going all raw is definitely not something you need to do in most cases. But I will recommend the best raw foods to eat to help repair your cells and DNA damage.)

In many of these areas related to healing dementia and Alzheimer's he is decades behind in his understanding. Yet he believes himself to be the number one expert in the world on this topic. He is super knowledgeable about the brain and nutrition in general but not knowledgeable at all in how to heal the body via herbs and detox methods. 

He has not studied the people getting the best results unless it is in the medical field or the study of nutrition. Hence, his pool of information is SEVERELY limited because there are several other fields of study that produce much better healing results than the medical profession or the field of nutrition.

In short, his system will maybe get you 10 to 15% of the results (and that might be a bit generous) that you can get with my comprehensive system that includes some of the ideas he teaches as well.

His system will rarely be able to heal advanced cases of dementia where people are catatonic and can no longer move, or talk and have hardly any memory and don't recognize their relatives and are relegated to life in a wheel chair.

But there are two healers I refer to in my system who have done just that with hundreds of their dementia and Alzheimer's patients. According to their experience with their hundreds of dementia patients, even the most debilitated of dementia and Alzheimer's cases can be healed if you take the right steps.

I also learned some of the most important principles behind my Bionic Brain herbal formula from one of these healers. But unfortunately, he makes a HUGE mistake in his version of the formula and hence I no longer recommend it. 

Sadly, this mistake will have a long term detrimental effect on the brain and the health of the body in general. 

This is because one of the herbs in his formula does more damage than good. Yes, in the short run it seems that this herb is improving symptoms. 

However in the long run, the active ingredient in this herb damages the adrenal glands. In fact, it causes a myriad of health problems including problems falling asleep, high blood pressure and even impotence in men.

He should know that but he doesn't seem to realize this. Even to this day he includes that damaging herb in his herbal formula. If you removed that herb it would be a super good formula but still not quite as good for the brain as my three herb Bionic Brain Formula which you will learn how to make at The Dementia Fix event.

* Think of Me as a Health Eagle Soaring High Above the Health Confusion

This is why it is so crucial to have this OVERVIEW knowledge of true health and healing like I have managed to gain over the past 23 years or so. From what I can see, none of these great healers, doctors, herbalists or nutritionists has as complete a picture on this as I do.

They all have their great knowledge in their particular fields which exceeds my own but their knowledge of healing is not quite broad enough to get a more complete picture. 

I have simply combined what I learned from them and many others including DS and my experiences with my own clients and myself and given you the best system for brain health you will find anywhere on the planet. There is nothing like this available anywhere else.

You can think of me as a Health Eagle. I can sore up a mile into the sky and see the whole disease and healing picture at once with my superior eagle vision. From that view I can easily put all the right healing pieces or modalities together and discard the things that don't work.

Of course, my contact with DS who is the ultimate Health Eagle and Divine Truth Teller, really helps me see what none of these other healers can see. DS brings a level of truth about what is really going on in the body that these other healers don't have access to and hence they end up making some mistakes in their systems.


At this point you may be wondering...

* How Much is This Life Saving and Improving Information Going to Cost?

What if You Went the Medical Route for Alzheimer's Disease?

By going the medical route you would condemn yourself or your family member to not much of a life at all. Certainly not a life worth living when you can't remember your loved ones or even who you are anymore.

But what about the financial costs of Alzheimer's? If you recall earlier I gave you this statistic.

Alzheimer’s costs $341,000 on average for the health needs of someone from diagnosis to death. Families pay 70 percent of this out of pocket.

That 70% of $341K is still a whopping $238,700 of your retirement savings just vanished.

And for what? Doctors fully admit they don't know what causes the problem and they don't know how to heal it. 

Plus any drugs they prescribe to help with the symptoms will only make the patient sicker as ALL drugs are loaded with side effects. Drugs are not natural and don't belong in a human body. They damage the body and never improve it like herbs and raw foods do.

Now imagine this lunacy...

The supposed best test to determine if you have Alzheimer's or not is a PET Scan and that by itself costs at least $3,000.

A more invasive test a lumbar puncture otherwise known as a spinal tap with all the diagnostics and associated expenses can also cost over $3,000. 

And then there is the price of family members having to spend 20 hours or more per week as the caregivers of their parent. Or they can pay good money for a professional to take care of their parent day in and day out. That adds even more cost to the equation.

And what about all of the doctors visits over the years that you have to do. Not only does that cost money but it also costs the caregiver time to get their parent to the doctors appointment.

Either way it all sucks.

And it's completely unnecessary.

Instead of shelling out hundreds of thousands of dollars to gradually lose your memory and then lose control of your body and then die, why not just learn the simple methods of truly healing Alzheimer's and dementia?

What you are about to learn at "The Dementia Fix and Bionic Brain System" live video event will make it so that you can heal any kind of dementia or Alzheimer's without ever going to a medical doctor again.

Yes you will need to purchase some herbs (or grow them yourself) and have some other minor expenses. At least the herbs will be much safer for your body than any drug and in most cases the patient will be able to completely get rid of any dementia symptoms.

Why pay over 200K to suffer and die when you can pay a lot less to regain your life, health and happiness back?

* Maybe I should do my own research?

Or maybe you're thinking you can do your own research and figure this stuff out on your own. With enough time and experimentation you could eventually get similar results to what I am about to show you. 

Though my research and knowledge is a combination of life experiences that is hard to duplicate because of my experience with real raw food nutrition and clients which gives me a totally different perspective than most anyone else. And the right perspective I would add not just a different perspective.

Plus my extensive knowledge on the true causes of so-called disease and herbology give me even more of a unique perspective.

I actually started studying healing and nutrition over 40 years ago starting when I was 13 years old and read the book "Rapid Healing Foods." Already back then, at 13 years of age I was super interested in avoiding the ravages of aging and that book was all about just that.

Say it takes you ten years to piece together a similarly effective healing solution with lots of dedicated research, by then your family member with dementia will have suffered for ten years and may already be dead or close to it.

How many hundreds of hours of your time would you have spent to figure out what you can learn at the live event in just 2 hours or so? Your time is valuable and quite frankly you are likely to make a lot of mistakes in your research because you don't have the right background like I do to ferret out the true health secrets from the disinformation agents out there.

People are constantly being fooled by lying or misguided nutrition experts and doctors because they don't have nearly enough knowledge or experience to know that they are being lied to or unintentionally misled. In most cases, it's the blind leading the blind.

It's very hard for the average person to know who is lying and who is telling you the truth when it comes to true healing. I've already done that screening for you. And you will get the pure and unadulterated truth at "The Dementia Fix" event.

I suggest that you don't waste years of your life doing research on this when I have already complied it all for you.

Yes I could easily charge $5000 for attending this live event and it would be well worth it in terms of life saving value. (There will be recordings too so that you can watch it whenever you want.)

And even $1000 would be super reasonable in my estimation for saving your life and the life of potentially multiple loved ones and even close friends of yours.

But I want to make it a lot more affordable than that, so that as many of my clients and subscribers can heal dementia for their family and friends. 

So here's what the small investment is going to be for this life saving program. It will be $238,500 less than the average Alzheimer's expenditures going the traditional medical route from initial diagnosis to the death of the patient.

And it will be about $2,800 less than just doing the PET Scan to try and determine if you really have Alzheimer's or something else.

So for a short time I'm opening this life improving and saving event for a mere $200.00.

For about the price of a week's worth of groceries or a night on the town with your partner you can save your life or that of a family member and save yourself from financial ruin at the same time.

Take Advantage of My Financial Jam And Get Access to The Dementia Fix With Mega Savings

Due to the fact that I am currently in a financial emergency and need to generate some super quick sales, you get to take advantage of this by getting a massive discount over the normal price. But I don't think this will last long.

LEN Members Get FREE Access
to This Live Event

However, if you are a current Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) member, you will get access to "The Dementia Fix & Bionic Brain" Live Video Event with Replay as part of your membership at no additional charge.

If you're not yet a LEN member, you can join today by using the link and coupon code below to save BIG on your membership until the countdown timer hits zero.

I also have a separate option below where you can get access to just "The Dementia Fix and Bionic Brain System" live video event without all the other LEN membership perks. It's just a one time investment.

Date and Time for "The Dementia Fix and Bionic Brain System" Live Video Event

Saturday, June 15th Starting at 12pm Noon Pacific or Los Angeles Time. 

NOTE: This live event will last a mininum of two hours but could go longer. Please bring your questions.

If you can't make it live that is fine, there will also be a video replay available so that you can watch it over whenever you want to.

Option # 1: Join the Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) Group and Get Access to "The Dementia Fix & Bionic Brain" Live Video Event with Replay.  Plus You Get 14 Super Awesome Healing Products as Bonuses Worth Over $700.00

Also save a whopping $70.00 off of LEN initial membership fee. Copy this coupon code below to use at the checkout page. Coupon expires when the countdown timer on this page hits zero.

Coupon Code: LEN14FOR1

Or click on this link below:

NOTE: The button and link above take you to the original Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) description page where you will discover all of the other healing, happiness and anti-aging benefits of joining the LEN family that are not time sensitive. Toward the very bottom of that page you will find the order button to join LEN. 

Option # 2: Get "The Dementia Fix & Bionic Brain" Live Video Event with Replay by itself WITHOUT access to the Light Energy Nutrition group. Just a one time payment.

Also for a VERY limited time, save a massive $103.00 off of "The Dementia Fix & Bionic Brain" Live Video Event with Replay. Copy this coupon code below to use at the checkout page. Coupon expires when the countdown timer on this page hits zero.

Coupon Code: DEM-FIX

The Dementia Fix & Bionic Brain System - Livestream Video Event

If You Have Any Questions

Please email us at... 

support ( at ) superbeing ( dot ) com

Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,

Roger Haeske
Divinity Enforcer
The Eternal Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Nutrient Complete Raw Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"