"The Death Cure Detox" Price Will Increase When the Countdown Timer Hits Zero


The Higher Plane Secrets to Living to 1,000 Years of Age in a Perpetually Youthful and Disease Free Body

“I know this may sound like total BS to you. But I promise I'm about to give you multiple scientific, logical and experiential reasons why I believe it is quite possible.”

This is a monumental, once in a 10,000 year breakthrough for humanity. After over two decades of anti-aging nutrition research, experimentation, client work and Divine Providence, I have been blessed to be given the ACTUAL "Fountain of Youth" and want to share it with you right now on this very page.

“I was extremely fortunate to attain these real-life "fountain of youth" secrets (that also saved my life) starting in 2020. And I continue getting more and more of these breakthroughs to the current day.”

“I learned much of this from an omniscient angelic being named DS and so far his advice has worked like super healing magic for me and my clients.”

Introducing "The Death Cure Detox"
30-Day Group, Deep Healing Event. Using the "Clean Cell System" Created by The Youth Guru, Roger Haeske.

Roger Haeske - The Youth Guru
Roger Haeske - The Youth Guru, Nature Healer, Herbalist and World Leading Expert on the Doing a Nutrient Complete Raw Food Diet... Which is the Only Anti-Aging Diet on the Planet That Actually Works.

Creator of the "Clean Cell System" for Detoxing, Healing & Rejuvenating the Body

Dear Health Seeking Friend,

I am about to lay out the evidence of why I believe it is possible for humans to live to 1,000 years or so in a biologically young and healthy body.

But first let me give you a quick idea of exactly what the "Death Cure Detox" is all about. And what it can do to transform your health and happiness in the very near future.

Firstly in order to avoid death you must avoid illness, maladies or so-called diseases. For that is what actually kills most people these days. People don't die from "aging."

Aging is really the same thing as the disease process itself. I'll explain that in more detail further down this page. 

Hence the field of anti-aging is really the same as healing. If you don't know the true cause of most diseases you can't stop the aging process. It's as simple as that.

I've written about this in detail in the past when talking about my NAT System.

NAT stands for:


Understanding these factors is the major key to achieiving radiant health. 

Most of the worst diseases of humanity can be boiled down to acids and toxins that are trapped in the body and constantly aging or destroying the cells of the body. The other major issue is a lack of nutrients and or a lack of nutrient absorption. 

All of these issues will be thoroughly addressed during the 30-Day Death Cure Detox group event.

This is going to be a major detox of multiple systems throughout the body. Combined with the best nutrition and herbs possible to start healing the body. 

And the great news is that for the most part of the cleanse you will be able to eat a full days worth of delicious calories including sweet and savory meals. 

The bottom line is this...

If your cells are dirty or exposed to acids and toxins, the body cannot be in a state of good health. We have to get as many of those toxins out as possible.

We want the cells to be clean. For when your cells are clean your health will be pristine.

And it appears based on a 34 year experiment that cells if given the right conditions (kept very clean and given ideal nutrients) are basically immortal. More on that experiment below.

You be cleaning out or body and their cells via my "Clean Cell Cleanse." Which is the detox system I use with my healing clients. It includes various detox methods, healing, detoxifying and circulation increasing exercises including my Healercise system and the use of herbs while eating my Raw Complete or Nutrient Complete Raw Food Diet. 

Don't worry, if you've struggled with eating raw in the past you can still partake by doing a cooked vegetarian or vegan diet with as much raw fruits and vegetables as you can handle.

The goal of the Clean Cell Cleanse is to get the acids and toxins out of the body and the alkaline healing nutrients into the body. 

And to do that you have to get the lymphatic system flowing freely. This includes achieving high levels of kidney function and getting kidney filtration of acidic particulate matter.

Hence we'll be focusing on the kidneys and the oh so important adrenal glands which also have a large measure of control over your kidneys. Plus we'll be taking herbs that help to clear out and get the lymphatic system moving again.

Heal Adrenal Fatigue

If you have adrenal fatigue then this is where you want to be. This is going to be so healing to your adrenal glands which control so many different important functions throughout your body.

We will also be focusing on healing the entire digestive tract and increasing nutrient absorption at the same time. This includes healing the liver, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, intestines, colon etc. 

The Importance of Improving Blood Circulation

And the last major area we'll be focusing on is improving your blood circulation. I'll be showing you how to blast clean your arteries of plaque and dramatically improve your circulation. For you cannot heal if oxygen and nutrients that are delivered through the blood are not making it to the cells due to poor circulation.

Just clearing up and improving circulation issues will be a major boon to improving health all throughout your body.

At the same time we'll be doing detoxes of these systems. 

The Clean Cell Cleanse List of Detoxes

  1. Lymphatic System Detox: The lymphatic system is your bodies garbage disposal system. When that backs up is when you start to experience cellular damage and hence diseases all throughout your body.
  2. Peetox: Which is a kidney healing protocol designed to regain kidney filtration. The kidneys are the main organ of elimination of your lymphatic system.
  3. Bowel Detox: Most adults in Western culture have years of fecal matter trapped in their colons. Those acidic wastes are filled with toxins that negatively impace the body. This will be removed via herbal methods. Not with enemas or colonics. You will feel and heal so much better once you get the majority of these encrusted old feces out of your body.
  4. Lung detox: We'll be ejecting the stored mucus and toxins in your lungs. This will be beneficial for healing lung and respiratory diseases like asthma and COPD.
  5. Heavy metal detox 
  6. Parasite detox: Like worms and flukes
  7. Microorganisms detox: (Like a yeast infection or candida albicans or other parasitic bacteria.)

All of these detoxes are crucial to helping you heal your body as quickly as possible. For the cleaner the cells are in your body the easier it will be for you to heal yourself.

Hence the vital importance of the Clean Cell System.

What kind of diseases can improve or be healed on The Death Cure Detox.

Well almost any illness or disease whatsoever. For instance you will experience dramatic improvements in the top killer diseases out there.

  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Stroke - Prevents strokes + Rapid healing from stroke damage
  • Pneumonia, asthma, COPD etc.
  • Alzheimer's disease and dementia
  • Diabetes (Type 2)

The bottom line is this...

98% of diseases happen due to two root causes.


Get the acids and toxins out of your body and the proper alkaline and healing nutrients in and you can heal most anything given enough time. 

Can you heal everything in 30-days. In most cases no. But you should start to feel major improvements in a LOT of problem areas.

But wait a minute, is this is starting to sound like an impossible fantasy? Maybe you're like the guy below and think I've blown a gasket.

The Skeptic Wonders: "Yo, is this dude Fresca out of his freaking mind? WTF? No way anyone can live to 1,000 years of age when most people can't even make it to 100."

Roger Says: LOL, No one has called me Fresca (Fresca rhymes with the American pronunciation of Haeske) since my public school days. And, by the way, it's something I would never drink.

Of course, I fully understand why you may believe I am being hyperbolic here or over exaggerating. I would not have believed this myself 5 years ago. So I totally get it.

But many things have changed for me over the last four plus years. Including the multiple different bodily organs and systems that fully healed and rejuvenated back to youthful levels. The amount of different things that have healed all over my body is astonishing. 

My health is night and day better than it was in 2020.

One of the absolute worst problems I developed were frequent ulcers and they were killing me. My life would have been a living nightmare (and at least decades shorter) if I still had to deal with those ulcers and ever weakening digestion. 

But these days my digestion is so strong that it's like a nuclear powered furnace. I can eat just about anything, I have no more of the many digestive system sensitivities I used to have. I can eat horribly from a food combining perspective and yet have no problems at all at this point. Eating half as bad before would have given me an immediate ulcer.

I haven't had ulcers since the summer of 2020 thanks SOLELY to using a single miracle herb that DS (more on who DS is below) suggested I start taking for healing the entire digestive tract.

My digestion is now stronger than it was in 1995 in my first attempt at going raw. That means my digestive tract is currently at least 25 years or more younger and healthier than it was in 2020. Certainly my kidneys, adrenal glands, heart, liver, thyroid gland, lungs etc. dramatically improved in health as well. 

Most of my organs, glands and bodily systems have gone through a dramatic rejuvenation thanks to the higher plane healing secrets I learned from DS as well as the intensive healing and herbal research and experimentation I have been doing on my own. 

However, none of this would've happened if I hadn't been incredibly fortunate to make contact with DS (The Divine Sound Current) in the late spring of 2020. Downloading his Divine healing wisdom has completely changed the course and direction of my life and has increased my healing knowledge at least 100 fold.

I am literally now in a much younger body than I had in the spring of 2020. Yet it's over 4 years later at this point. I also have less wrinkles and less gray hair than in early 2020. How can that be possible if you believe the standard cultural beliefs that aging symptoms are primarily caused by the passage of time?

So, please try to keep an open mind as I prove to you why I believe that I am right about this.

My long time readers and customers already understand that living from 150 to 200 or more years of age might actually be possible but let me quickly give you some solid scientific, experiential and common sense proof reasons as to why I believe this is really attainable. 

In the summer of 2020 I made extensive contact with DS (DS: The Divine Sound Current) & who is leaps and bounds the greatest healer I have ever encountered. And trust me, I know some truly awesome healers here on Earth.

His extensive knowledge of herbs and how the human body truly functions is miles beyond any healer on Earth with a physical body could possibly know. Plus he understands the real causes of disease that 99.9% of MD's, herbalists, Naturopaths and alternative medicine practitioners have no clue about.

One day in the summer of 2020 my ex-girlfriend and I did a question and answer session with DS where we asked him about what the true cause of aging is and how to prevent it and even reverse the damage from aging. 

For some background... My ex-girlfriend is a person with extensive empathic, psychic and mediumship abilities. Yes, she could and did easily have full on conversations with many "dead" people. We spoke to my recently departed father every night at the dinner table.

It was 100% him as there was no way she could have known these hundreds of things about himself that he revealed to her. She only spoke to him once briefly over the telephone before he passed away. And I barely told her anything about him. She was definitely the real deal in terms of her mediumship abilities.

What DS told us is simple and even common sense and yet from the perspective of our lifelong societal training about aging, it is revolutionary. It goes against everything you've been taught to believe about the inescapable inevitability of aging.

* The Real Cause of "Aging" Finally Revealed

On that day he taught us that aging is NOT actually caused by time. In fact, time passed has NOTHING to do with the symptoms of aging whatsoever. 

If given the right conditions, cells are basically immortal. As you are about to see in the 34 year scientific experiment I talk about further below.

I hate to break this to you. I know MANY people will resist this revelation of truth because they have been taught all their lives that aging is a natural process.


The symptoms of "aging" are actually caused by DAMAGE to the cells. Not due to some slow degradation of the cells caused by cells getting older. That is not what actually happens in the body. 

In fact, most of the current anti-aging scientists fully agree with the concept that aging is not caused by time but by accumulated cellular damage.

* Real World Evidence of What I am Talking About

A real world demonstration of this principle is this. Let's compare how different people aged 50 years old look.

Some will look like a "typical" 50 year old looks these days.

Some will look like they are in their 30s.

Some will look like they are in their 70s. 

How is it that one 50 year old can look 30 and another can look 75? That is a 45 year difference in the visual appearance of age?

The famous chef Gordon Ramsay and I are about the same age. Yet he easily looks 25 years older than me.

Hence, the signs of aging are not produced by time. It all comes down to the level of damage the cells are experiencing. Some people protect the cells of their bodies much better than others.

Of course, Gordon Ramsay is constantly eating meat and dairy and cooked food while I have been eating a Raw Vegetarian Diet for over 23 years. 

Another example was when I lived in Hawaii. We had a housekeeper who was about a year older than me if I remember correctly. I was shocked when I found out her age. I had known her for many months already but only found out her age later. I assumed she was at least 20 years older than me.

Because she looked like a totally wrinkled up senior citizen and I was about 44 years old at the time and easily looked like I was in my late 20s.

Yes, she smoked dope and did a lot of drugs and of course that made her look positively ancient.

* Dying at the Old Age of 50

And some people die from disease before they even make it to 50 years old. Virtually everyone who dies these days, dies from disease whether they are 20 or 80. So are we aging or really "diseasing"?

It's not old age killing people but disease or illnesses. It's the constant breakdown of the cells in the human body due to damage not time.

My younger brother recently passed away at 51 years old due to cancer. Did he die due to reaching the ripe old age of 51 or was it cellular damage? When someone dies at 51 it's blamed on disease. But when someone dies at 81 it's usually blamed on being old even if they also died from a disease.

Unfortunately my brother did NOT take the best care of his health. On top of eating meat and cooked food he was also a smoker. He was just exposed to way more toxins in his lifestyle and military career than I was and hence he "aged" much more rapidly than me.

* Another Example is Smokers

They tend to "age" more rapidly. But are they aging or simply experiencing a higher level of cellular damage due to inhaling the toxins and carcinogens in cigarettes and in marijuana?

Of course, smoking has long been known by the scientific community to accelerate the "aging" process. Which is more evidence pointing to the fact that aging is not caused by time but by toxins.

Consider again, is it aging or just cellular damage happening to the body?

* What is the Relationship of Aging to the Disease Process?

According to what DS taught us, aging is no different than the disease process. The symptoms of aging like gray hair, baldness, wrinkles etc. are produced by damage to the cells, not due to having lived a specified amount of time.

If you can stop the damage to your cells and body, you stop AGING. We have the ability to produce enough stem cells to potentially create new cells indefinitely. That is... if you eat the right diet that produces much more stem cells than the Death Diets that most of "civilized" humanity is currently consuming.

According to DS it is possible for current human bodies to live to 1,000 years of age or longer in vibrant and radiant health if they do not sustain excessive cellular damage. And can do so with no or minimal of the typical old age symptoms like wrinkles, gray hair, baldness, aches and pains, arthritis, dementia etc. Imaging reaching 1,000 years of age in a body equivalent to that of a 35-year old. 

It may indeed be possible.

Humans Used to Live to Much Older Ages in the Ancient Past

In several ancient texts humans have been documented to live to 300, 500 and even over 1,000 years of age and it can still happen today. But first we must stop poisoning ourselves at every meal and we also need to clean out and heal our blocked organs of elimination that have been damaged from poisoning ourselves at least 3 times a day.

* Examples of Old Age in the Bible are:

Methusela: 969 years

Noah: 950 years

Adam: 930 years

Lamech: 777 years

Enoch: 365 years (And was taken to Heaven while still alive in his physical body. Hence he may have lived a lot longer.)

According to what DS told us in the summer of 2020, that yes indeed these antediluvian or pre-flood people really did live that long. And it wasn't just the men but the women too. DS just confirmed that for me now.

DS told us that the human body was designed to be immortal. Under the proper conditions, humans can still die but they do so when they feel they are done with their life mission on Earth and want to move into a higher plane of consciousness. They don't actually die due to disease like most humans die these days.

So it is actually a voluntary dropping of the physical body. These long lived people were able to willingly give up their bodies when they instinctively felt the time was right to go on to a new spiritual mission. Not like the forced premature deaths these days caused by horribly diseased and pain ridden bodies.

Here's scientific evidence pointing to the possibility of cellular immortality.

* Alexis Carrel's Famous Immortal Chick Heart Cells Experiment

In 1912 Nobel Prize winning surgeon and biologist Alexis Carrel created an experiment which may have proven the immortality of the cell. He and his team were able to keep chick (chicken embryo) heart cells alive in culture for 34 years. Yet the average lifespan of a chicken is just 5 to 10 years.

What was the secret?

They kept the chick cells clean and free of acids and toxins (or wastes) while feeding them all the nutrients they needed to survive. His experiment was a modified version of the NAT (Nutrients, Acids & Toxins) Heal All Formula put into practice on a cellular level. Which is what the Clean Cell System is all about. The big KEY of these long lived chick cells is that they kept them CLEAN and free of acids and toxins.

Because... When you keep your cells clean you'll feel fifteen. 

* You Can Take it a Step Further and Make Your Body Biologically Younger

Plus, when you learn how to repair the previous cellular and organ damage that you have accumulated over years of consuming a toxic diet, then you can make your body biologically younger by 10 to 20 years or more.

This cellular damage can come from several sources including air pollution, prescription and illegal drugs, vaca-cines, surgeries, alcohol, smoking, EMF radiation, coffee, soaps and cosmetics and more sources.

Of course, a lack of sleep can be severely damaging as well. Because there is all sorts of detox and repair of cells that happens while you sleep. So if you don't sleep enough you start building up acids and toxins that way too. Everything starts breaking down due to a lack of sleep.

* The Death Diet of Cooked and Junk Foods Loaded with Chemicals is Devastating Humanity

However, the most prevalent source of damage to humanity overall is the current Death Diet or Diets, that most people consume three times or more per day. 

Imagine the truth that your body has been poisoned multiple times a day starting when you were a baby. Is it any wonder that human lifespans are more than 10x shorter than they should be?

Who can be healthy and long lived eating a nutrient deficient diet full of cellular poisons three or more times a day?

Now imagine a chain smoker and or an alcoholic. They are poisoning their bodies way more frequently than just 3 to 5 times a day from their diet.

According to the CDC the lifespan of an alcoholic can be shortened by 26 years compared to the "normal" life expectancy of current humans.

And heavy smokers can lose 13 years of life expectancy.

* The Other Major Cause of Rampant Disease

The other huge cell damaging factor is internal acidosis caused by clogged organs of elimination. And those organs of elimination get damaged and clogged due to the Death Diet, air pollution and exposure to the myriad of toxins in the environment that I already mentioned above.

Ironically enough, what the majority of humanity, (including most doctors and nutritionists) consider to be healthy diets like the Mediterranean, Carnivore and Ketogenic Diets are still diets that lead to early death and aging. They are Death Diets not anti-aging diets.

If you die before you reach at least 200 years of age you can consider it a premature death. (Unless of course, your Earthly mission was over and you left your body voluntarily even though it was not highly damaged.)

Even a much, much healthier low fat cooked vegetarian or vegan diet still causes so-called aging symptoms though at a slower rate. The cooking process itself creates all sorts of toxins and free radicals that gradually damage the cells and hence your body.

All Cooked Food is Deficient in This Vitally Important Nutrient

And most importantly, cooking removes one of the most important nutrients of all from your food. That is the energetic LIFE FORCE (which is Light Energy) that is in the raw plant foods. As soon as you cook the food that life force of that plant is killed and you no longer get that amazing Life Force and Light Energy into your body.

How is a diet supposed to make you virtually immortal if it is devoid of the life force from those foods?

You can't get younger by eating dead foods.

Plus, no one claims that the Mediterranean, Carnivore or even a Vegetarian Diet stops the aging process. And that to me is proof that the diet itself causes aging, since aging is nothing more than damage to the cells. And poor diet plays a PRIMARY role in how much damage humans accumulate at the cellular level. 

Hence, all of these cooked food diets cause damage to the cells and will make you have the symptoms of aging. 

Yes, a starch based and cooked vegetarian diet while better than all other cooked food diets but it will certainly cause damage to your cells and hence, AGE YOU.

There are other factors that cause "aging" as well. 

Even if you are eating the correct diet for humanity as I teach my LEN members, which is a Nutrient Complete Raw Food Diet or Raw Complete, you may still age due to a factor hardly any doctor or healer understands.

* It's Like an Invisible Cooked Food Diet

This is because if your kidneys are not filtering properly or your lymphatic system is clogged (due to previous damage before you started the diet) you will still be poisoning yourself daily from the waste of products of your own cellular metabolism. It's like an invisible cooked food diet produced by your own body.

All of your 100 trillion or so cells need to eat and poop just as you do. And if that acidic cellular waste cannot escape the body then it will burn and hence damage (and eventually kill) your cells, glands and organs. This then leads to all sorts of health problems including but not limited to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, lupus, IBS, aging etc.

And the fact is that there doesn't seem to be anyone these days in mainstream culture who can make it much past 120 years of age. And if they manage to reach even just 100 they look positively ancient and must be suffering tremendously from all sorts of different health problems.

* You Can Be Chronologically Old but Live in a Vibrantly Youthful Body

No thanks, looking and feeling old, that's not for me. And I doubt you'd want to look like a deeply wrinkled skeleton who needs a walker to walk by the time you reach 75 either.

These Death Diets and the other toxins we are exposed to damage our organs of elimination like our kidneys, bowels and lungs. It also makes our built in garbage disposal system or our lymphatic system stagnant and highly acidic. 

This leads to tumors, cysts, rashes and swollen lymph nodes and the damage and destruction of your cells all throughout the body. And when that happens your cells become "dirty" with trapped acids and toxins. 

When this transpires, acids and toxins get trapped inside the body and they start burning and hence damaging your cells and even destroying your DNA. This is what really causes the aging and dis-ease process which is actually one and the same. 

Did you know that the lymphatic system touches every cell in the body? Our body has two main fluids blood and lymph fluid. But the blood is only about 25% of your bodily fluids while lymphatic fluid is about 75%. 

This should show you the major role that lymphatic fluid plays in the body.

* Aging and Disease are the Exact Same Thing

I'm sorry to break this to you but there is absolutely no such thing as healthy aging. 

In reality, if you are showing signs of aging, you are showing signs of illness and disease. It means that your cells are dirty and are internally ON FIRE with trapped acids and toxins burning your cells, glands, organs and bodily systems.

I estimate that over 99% of adults in the United States are at this moment on fire at the cellular level. It's no wonder humanity is so sickly, short lived and constantly visiting doctors. 

I have not gone to a doctor (other than for stitches in 2001) since 1996. Or about 28 years at this point.

Of course, proper NUTRIENTS play a vitale role in the health of the cells as I discuss in the N (Nutrients) part of my NAT Heal All Formula.

* When Your Cells are Clean it is Easy to Stay LEAN

High acid and toxin levels are also a major factor in the overweight and obesity epidemic in most of Western Culture these days. Our diets are so loaded with toxins that the body in its wisdom stores these acids and toxins in extra fat cells.

The fat or oil in the fat cells absorb a lot of the damage the acids would otherwise inflict if they were touching cells in vital organs like your heart, lungs, kidneys, eyes etc. Though eventually the body can no longer contain the damage from so many acids in the body. 

Generally speaking, the heavier a person is, the more toxins they are storing in their body. People who are obese are the equivalent of a walking land fill.

This is a major reason why 90% of the people you see these days look more like hippos than humans. Though to be fair, even very skinny people can be absolutely loaded with acids and toxins too. It's just that the fatter people store even more of those toxins.

Plus these acids and toxins damage organs in the body that are responsible for getting the excess fat out of your body. For instance, most people in the United States and Western culture who are overweight also have damage to their pancreas. A weak pancreas can keep you fat even if you eat like a bird and cut your calories to the bone.

Hence, if you keep your cells clean it's easy to stay lean.

Effortless slimming is yet another major benefit of doing the Clean Cell System Cleanse. 


Now let's get into a bit more detail on what we'll be doing in "The Death Cure Detox."

What Methods Will We Be Using in the Death Cure Detox?

We'll be Using My "Clean Cell System" Which Includes Raw Complete Nutrition, Healercise, Peetox and Detox Methods, Bowel Cleanse and More to Get the Acids & Toxins Out and the Alkaline Healing Nutrients in to Your Body

NOTE: You'll save hundreds of dollars on costly herbal formulas because many of the herbs we'll be using are very potent multi purpose herbs that you can find in the produce section of most local supermarkets, grocery stores or farmer's markets. Hence a single herb can do the job of four or five different herbal tinctures or powder formulas. I'll be giving a detailed example of that below.

Raw Complete or a Nutrient Complete Raw Food Diet: 

For one thing, we'll be eating lots of delicious food for the most part. And what I will be recommending for you is to eat a Nutrient Complete Raw Food Diet during most of this 30 day detox.

Yes, part of this will be eating mouth watering Savory Veggie Stews type recipes. So you are not going to go hungry or feel deprived.

Raw Complete is a system of raw food nutrition that I completed in 2020. I had been working on it for a couple of years before then. But only in 2020 did I finally get the last missing pieces into place.

Just by eating in this way most people will experience a major detox and cellular house cleaning. But that is definitely not all we'll be doing.

We need to get a bit more forceful if we want to cure ourselves from involuntary death.

For we are going to focus on healing and rejuvenating these organs and systems of the body.

Key Areas of Focus

Kidneys: Achieving kidney filtration of acidic particulate matter.

Adrenal glands: Virtually everyone has weak adrenals and they are a key to healing the entire body. Plus the adrenals that sit on top of the kidneys tend to control kidney function. The healthier your adrenal glands the healthier your kidneys will be.

GI tract: Bowel cleansing plus super healing of the digestive tract (including the liver and gallbladder)

Lymphatic System Cleaning: Lymphatic system blockages are the biggest cause of disease in humans. We'll be taking several herbs that are great for clearing out those blockages and healing the lymphatic system overall which includes the kidneys.

Lungs: Your lungs are another important organ of elimination and we'll be cleaning out your lungs as well with potent expectorant herbs. This will be very helpful for asthmatics and people with other lung diseases like COPD.

Heavy Metals Detox: Several of the herbs we'll be using are great for carrying heavy metals out of your cells and into the lymphatic system so that they can be eliminated by the kidneys.

Parasite Detox: If you have any worms or flukes in your body they won't survive the due to the powerful parasite killing herbs we'll be using. 

Microorganisms Detox: This is for removing microscopic parasites candida albicans or yeast, bacteria, fungi and protozoa. If you've been struggling with a candida albicans overgrowth these potent herbs will in most cases do the trick.

Alkalization: Alkalizing the cells of the body. Not the blood as that will always stay alkaline even if your overall body is acidic. But the rest of the body can and usually does become very acidic due to the Death Diets and other toxins that virtually everyone consumes and is exposed to these days.

Simply by consuming a diet high in raw fruits and vegetables you will be alkalizing your body. Then the use of herbs will help to further alkalize the body. And other detox methods will help to get the acids out and the lymphatic fluids flowing which will further alkalize and hence hydrate the body too.

Blood Circulation: We're going to blast through plaque and cholesterol in your arteries which will dramatically improve circulation. And the blood will also be thinned if it is too thick which will also dramatically improve blood flow.

- Blood Pressure: This will also result in an improvement in blood pressure. The herbs in the Clean Cell Cleanse will raise low blood pressure and decrease high blood pressure. They are adaptogenic and hence can help both high and low blood pressure.

Healing the Body Through Proper Nutrients

Not only will we be detoxing the body for 30 days but also healing it through ideal nutrition and via the use of healing herbs.

For instance...

Healing the Digestive Tract: Do you have lots of food sensitivities? Do you have to be super careful with food combining otherwise you might suffer incredible pain in your stomach or colon? We're going to fix all that and make your stomach have the digestive power of a bonfire. 

Of course, some digestive diseases are not going to be fully healed in just 30 days. But after doing the Death Cure Detox you will know what herbs to take and what to continue doing so that you can fully heal yourself.

Poor Fat Digestion: If you've been having problems with the digestion of fats then worry no more as we'll by healing the liver and gallbladder with these potent digestive system healing herbs.

What Makes this Detox So Different from All the Others

But what I am really excited about is that this is a cleanse that will not involve starvation. You're still going to get acids and toxins out but you can do so while eating a full day's worth of delicious calories. Especially if those calories are largely coming from easy to digest raw fruits and vegetables.

However, to speed up the healing and detox process, taking herbs and other detox methods will be a necessary component during this detox. Though some of those herbs will simply be a part of a mouthwatering recipe that you are eating.

And unlike other herbalists who have their own super expensive herbal formulas to push, I currently don't sell any herbal formulas. I have found that there are common herbs that are sold in supermarkets that are so powerful that they can take the place of many of these expensive herbal formula capsules and tinctures. Hence saving you thousands of dollars over the course of a single year.

HERBS: We will mostly be using fresh, raw, inexpensive and yet potent supermarket herbs instead of expensive herbal formulas. But there will be an herbal formula or two recommended as well. As well as some individual herbs that you may not find in your supermarket.

Below is an example of one of the most powerful and overall healing herbs on the entire planet. It is a polycrest or Heal All kind of herb because it helps your body to heal so many different health problems.

And this herb has had a tremendous amount of scientific study and research behind it.

Plus we will be using this herb the right way. Hardly anyone knows how to use this properly to get life changing deep healing results. The people in the health food stores recommending this herb in capsule or tablet form have no clue what they are talking about. Those formulas are 10 times less potent than taking it the right way and in the right quantities.

OK then, take a look below at all of the different ways this single supermarket herb can heal you when used properly during our Clean Cell Cleanse.

Benefits of this Incredible Heal All Supermarket Herb:

  1. Detoxifier: One of the best herbs for removing toxins and acids from the body.
  2. Removes heavy metals from the body. DS rates it a 10 out of 10
  3. Easily kills off systemic candida albicans overgrowth and yeast infections.
  4. Parasiticide: Especially good for killing intestinal worms, flukes and harmful parasites of all kinds. DS rates it a 10 out of 10 for this.
  5. Super for defeating colds, flu, bronchitis and any kind of congestive conditions.
  6. Clears out your lungs of excess mucus with it's exceptional expectorant power.
  7. Tonsillitis: Defeats tonsillitis
  8. Antibiotic: It has potent antiseptic, antibacterial, antiparasitic, antifungal (so-called antiviral) and anti-syphilitic properties.
  9. Quickly heals earaches.
  10. Equalizes Blood Pressure: Lowers high blood pressure or raises low blood pressure based on what your body actually needs. It is dual action or an adaptogenic herb.
  11. Clears lymphatic system blockages. DS rates it a 10 out of 10 for this purpose.
  12. Great for increasing circulation. Thins thick blood. Hence, a potent tool for preventing strokes and heart attacks.
  13. Also a wonderful herb for helping you to heal the kidneys and regain a high level of kidney filtration.
  14. Plus it is a scientifically studied and proven herb for healing cancers of all different kinds.
  15. Breaks down tumors.
  16. Fantastic for all sorts of different heart disease issues including but not limited to angina, atherosclerosis and arrhythmia. Helps prevent heart attacks.
  17. Excellent for lowering high cholesterol levels.
  18. Lowers blood sugar levels if it is excessively high. Great for diabetics. (Just monitor your blood sugar levels and medications when using this herb so that your blood sugar doesn't go too low.)
  19. Great for urinary tract infections.
  20. Strengthens digestion and is a stomachic type of herb.
  21. Scientifically proven to strengthen the immune system.
  22. Stimulates the liver and gallbladder into action.
  23. Is one of the great blood cleansing herbs.
  24. Increases physical strength and stamina. One of the earliest performance enhancing agents used in sports.
  25. Also strengthens the libido.
  26. Arthritis - Reduces pain and inflammation from arthritis.
  27. Reverses gray hair. DS rates it an 8 out of 10 for this purpose.
  28. Anti-Inflammatory properties - Helps to reduce joint pain etc.
  29. To top it all off, it is very high in antioxidants.

Unfortunately, just knowing that this herb can heal these things is not enough. You have to know the right form of it to take and the right dosage. Most people taking this herb get both of those wrong.

Plus, it will not work even 20% as well unless you combine it with the detox and nutrition methods we'll be using during the Death Cure Detox.

This single herb can replace all these kinds of expensive herbal formulas that can easily be $33 for a small 2 ounce bottle that lasts just a week or so when using at the proper dosages:

Lymphatic system $33.00
Kidneys $33.00
Circulation $33.00
Anti-Parasite $33.00
Microparasite formulas for small parasites like yeast and candida $33.00
Blood pressure lowering $33.00
Expectorant $33.00
Cold and flu $33.00

That's about $264.00 before shipping costs.

If you don't need the Cold and Flu formula it would still be $231 for a week to two weeks of herbs before shipping costs.

Though at times you may want to go with a more specialized herbal formula that contains multiple herbs. But this single herb can really do a TON of amazing things and it is rather inexpensive too at about $1.50 to $2.00 a bunch which can be enough for a few days to a week.

What would you rather pay? ($231 a week or about $4 a week for the single yet super versatile and potent supermarket herb)

DS classifies this herb as a Heal All or polycrest type of herb (so do many herbalists) and rates it a 10 out of 10 in overall body healing power.

Remember, it is one of the most scientifically researched herbs on the planet.

This super healing herb is just one of several such multi-benefit Heal All herbs we'll be using during the Death Cure Detox. 

This will save you hundreds of dollars a month compared to using expensive herbal formula capsules and tinctures etc.

Extra Detox Days

We will also have a day or two at a time where we do something as effective as juice fasting but without juicing at all. In fact, one of the detox methods is absolutely free.

Juicing is great for healing the body but it is quite expensive and time consuming. And it really isn't necessary if you know the detox tricks I know.


We'll also be using my Healercise system of special exercises to heal the body. In fact, my full Healercise program will be included as a bonus to this Death Cure Detox event.

Healercise heals so well because it immediately and dramatically increases circulation all throughout your body. Plus it boosts your lymphatic fluids flow by at least 15 times normal.

Your lymph fluid doesn't have a pump so it needs to be moved by exercise and or deep breathing.

And Healercise doesn't require any special equipment whatsoever. It's just you and your body.

Doing special Healercise and similar exercises will accelerate your detox and healing process. While dramatically increasing your energy levels in 10 to 20 minutes a day.

This is a VITALLY important part of the healing process that none of the herbal healing gurus understand.

How Would You Like to Discover Some of The Greatest Health Improving Secrets Ever Revealed to Humanity?

Below is a list of EXTRA healing tips you'll learn how to use for yourself and your family during our live group classes. This is in addition to the all the other health improving benefits from doing the Clean Cell Cleanse.

How to heal the worst digestive system problems like ulcers, IBS, ulcerative colitis, gastritis, acid reflux or GERD, hemorrhoids and Crohn's disease with a single herb that you can find in your supermarket. It also heals all of the digestive system organs like the liver, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, intestines and colon.

(I healed from misery inducing ulcers that were starving me to death because I could barely eat when I had them. Plus my digestion and nutrient absorption is now way better than it was 29 years ago. Hundreds of other people have reported digestive system disease healings using this herb.)

How to relieve ulcer pain in 15-minutes or less and stop any further damage by combining these two grocery store raw foods. This is the absolute healthiest antacid ever with zero side effects. Plus it tastes like an amazing dessert.

(I eventually figured this out when I was still prone to getting ulcers. At the time this was a Godsend because it stopped my ulcers from getting much, much worse than what I was previously doing.)

How to stop a heart attack or stroke in less than 30 seconds by taking a teaspoon of this instant circulation blasting elixir.

(It also acts like a defibrillator. I know of two cases of people having been revived after they were clinically dead by taking it. I'll be  sharing one of those stories. This magical nutrient has been proven to work hundreds of times for quickly reversing heart attacks and strokes.)

The 4 ways to triple the healing power and effectiveness of your herbs. (If herbs haven't worked that well for you before this is likely why.)

Cancer can never be cured, you can only put it into remission, right? 100% FALSE! The Clean Cell System eliminates the root cause of cancer allowing the body to heal itself without drugs, radiation or surgery.

Legal way to get powerful natural antibiotics without a prescription and for pennies on the dollar. (Plus these are SMART herbal antibiotics that don't attack healthy cells.) 

The easiest and cheapest way to reverse gray hair.

No more wasting hours each week applying messy oils or herbal infusions directly to your scalp. No more wearing shower caps to bed. Just take these two potent anti-aging herbs twice a day and you're done. Plus they cost less than 20 cents for a full day dosage of BOTH herbs.

NOTE: I recently learned about the grey hair reversing powers of one of these two herbs from DS and am now testing it. The other one in the formula he recommended to me for this purpose in the summer of 2020.

It's possible that that this new herb doesn't work as well as hoped. However, I do know a more expensive herb that I have used in the past that really does reverse gray hair very well by simply consuming it twice per day at the right dosage. And I'll be sharing that with the Death Cure Detox members as well.

How to go on a Raw Food Diet with zero cooked food cravings even if you've struggled with cravings in the past.

WARNING: The advice from most raw food gurus is going to gradually sabotage your health.

If you follow their teachings you will start to get all sorts of health problems. Plus you'll needlessly suffer from cooked food cravings when eating your natural raw diet correctly should feel like a party in your mouth and body.

What never to do during a gallbladder flush... NEVER!!!

This common practice is EXTREMELY harmful to the body and yet everyone "including my favorite healers" ignorantly teaches you to do this.) You will learn a 100% safe and proven effective way to do a gallbladder flush that DS taught me.

NOTE: I personally knew a man in New York who did gallbladder a flush and it immediately put him in so much pain that he could no longer sleep. He went several months with barely any sleep. Eventually he decided to put a plastic bag over his head and committed suicide because the pain of living was just too unbearable. 

Baldness is caused by genetics, right? WRONG! Discover the real cause and cure for male pattern baldness. This works for female hair loss as well.

Why some vegans need to supplement with vitamin B12 while many others do not. (Yes, this is a fixable problem and when it is healed you'll no longer need to supplement with vitamin B12.)

Having problems remembering names or where you put your smartphone? Do you struggle learning new things and feel like you are becoming dumber the older you get?

Discover my proprietary Bionic Brain Formula that will effortlessly double your memory while increasing cognition, IQ and overall brain power in 10-days or less.

How to stop an asthma attack in 15-seconds with a single herb that is far safer than any asthma inhaler you are currently taking.

Discover Roger's foolproof three step system for curing asthma in 30 to 45 days.

Cellulite can never be fully eliminated, right? Wrong! Discover the surprising hidden cause and how to obliterate it starting in 30 days. (Not one in 1,000 doctors, herbalists or alterntive healers know the true cause.)

Here's how to clean your cells - for FREE! (This is one of the ultimate speed healing, detox and rapid fat burning methods ever. Hint: It's not exercise.) 

How to reduce high blood pressure in 30-seconds.

(Why does this works so rapidly? It's because this potent herb lowers blood pressure in two ways. It instantly dilates blood vessels all throughout the body (vasodilator) while making the blood thinner or less sticky. Not only that... over time it cleans out the arteries of bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

How to stop bleeding anywhere in the body both internal (even gunshot wounds) and external in less than 15-seconds. (Just take a heaping teaspoon of this supermarket herb and the bleeding stops almost instantly anywhere in the body.)

Here’s the quick and easy way to get rid of hemorrhoids without using any creams or ointments – it  works so well you’ll swear it must be magic!

FIGHT PAIN FAST! This inexpensive tropical herb has super anti-inflammatory properties that takes pain away. Works like gangbusters for arthritis, nerve and even severe tooth pain.

Yet it has zero health destroying side effects unlike taking aspirin and NSAIDS. (Plus I will share with you a good quality organic brand that costs next to nothing at just 5 cents per day.)

Join Today and Receive 3 Free Bonuses Worth $195.54

Bonus # 1 - Healercise and the Holy Grail Anti-Aging Fitness System as bonus
(Value - $97.77)

Healercise - Energizing & Therapeutic Fitness System (Heal, Energize, Strengthen & Detox)

Strengthen & oxygenate every cell, organ, bone, joint & muscle. No naps. Improve circulation. Lymphatic detoxifier & immune system booster. Get a natural high. No equipment. Injury rehab. Low impact.

Bonus # 2 - RAPID HEALING OINTMENT:  (Value - $77.77)

Like first aid cream on steroids.

This inexpensive herbal ointment is great for rapid healing of broken bones, wounds, rashes, psoriasis, eczema, mosquito and bug bites etc. It's also a great pain reliever and relieves arthritis, joint, back, shoulder pain etc.

Plus it is great for diaper rash, burns, sunburn, bruises, hemorrhoids, sprains, pulled muscles, scars, skin cancer, plantar fasciitis, torn ligaments etc.

It has over 50 different uses.

It has even been reported in a couple of cases to grow back fingers severed below the top knuckle. I also read of a case of a woman who severely smashed and damaged her toe. It never healed properly for years. But when she used the Rapid Healing Ointment the toe completely rebuilt itself. 

Bonus # 3 - Passionate Parsley Stew Raw Recipe (Value - $20.00)

Parsley is an incredibly powerful and important herb that heals a ton of different things all at once including your kidneys, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, liver and all of the rest of your endocrine system glands. And that is just the tip of the iceberg of parsley's healing power.

Parsley is incredible for restoring proper kidney filtration. And lack of kidney filtration and overall function is one of the main causes of most diseases.

Now here's the best part about this super healing herb. It's also a delicious food. You can easily get its healing benefits into your life by eating my new Passionate Parsley Stew.

This recipe is so mouthwateringly delicious I want to eat two of them per night. Health food never tasted so darned good. I now eat this recipe virtually every single night.

FAQ Section

Below is the Frequently Asked Questions section

If your question is not listed here you can email it to me at:

support [ at ] superbeing [ dot ] com

Q: What kinds of detoxes will be done during the Death Cure Detox?

A: See the list below.

List of the kinds of detoxes we'll be doing: 

Lymphatic System Detox
Kidneys and Bladder Detox or Peetox
Bowel Detox
Lung detox 
Heavy metals detox 
Parasite detox
Microorganisms detox (Like a yeast infection or candida albicans)

Q: Will we be doing enemas or colonics?

A: No, There are a number of reasons why enemas and colonics can end up doing more harm than good. Luckily there are several other methods of cleaning out the bowels that are far safer and just as effective. 

Q: Will we be doing a juice fast or feast?

A: No. While juice fasting can be highly effective healing and detox method we won't be officially doing it. Though you can juice on your own as a part of the Death Cure Detox. We'll be using simpler methods that don't require a juicer but produce similar results as juicing yet are a lot less expensive and take a lot less time.

Q: Will we be doing a water fast?

A: No. We'll be using much more potent herbal detox methods that nourish you instead of starving you to death. This will be 10 times easier to do than a long water fast and way safer.

Q: Will 30 days be long enough to heal any disease?

A: It will be good enough to have you see dramatic improvements to your overall health. This will be a good jump start to your healing process.

However people can be extremely toxic and hence sick and rebuilding all the sick organs usually does not happen in a single month. However, you will know what to do to heal yourself so you can continue detoxing and healing on your own or with my help if you so choose.

"When your cells are crystal clean your health is pristine."

Q: What results might be possible in 30-days?

A: See the list below... These are possible but not guaranteed to happen.

In short, the Death Cure Detox will reverse the main causes of disease in your body. Virtually all of the illnesses, maladies and or diseases you are suffering with now are because your cells are dirty and you are on fire burning with acids. 


  1. Weight loss significant
  2. Aging process starts reversing
  3. Blood pressure normalizes (both low or high blood pressure) 
  4. Increased energy levels (This is virtually guaranteed via detox & Healercise)
  5. Skin tightening and becoming younger in appearance
  6. Chronic fatigue should lessen quite a bit
  7. Tumors and cysts shrinking or disappearing
  8. Insulin resistance reduction (This should be a major improvement)
  9. Blood sugars start to normalize
  10. Diabetes - Significant improvement in Type 2 diabetes symptoms
  11. Lowering of bad cholesterol levels
  12. Expulsion of stored mucus in the lungs, sinuses and other parts of the body
  13. This leads to deeper breathing and increased lung capacity
  14. Improvement in lung diseases including asthma and COPD
  15. NOTE: Stored mucus can suffocate and damage glands and organs all over the body, not just the lungs and sinuses. And stored mucus in the lungs (which might have been in there for decades) is a major cause of asthma.
  16. Edema or swelling in the body reducing
  17. Skin diseases or rashes disappearing (pimples, eczema & psoriasis for example)
  18. Depression going away (Though temporarily you may become depressed which is a detox symptom that goes away with time.)
  19. Improved blood circulation (Which means more oxygen and nutrition can reach your cells. This alone will provide major healing power throughout your entire body.) 
  20. Much lower chance of getting a heart attack in the future
  21. Much lower chance of getting a stroke in the future
  22. Heart arrhythmias lessen or disappear
  23. Improved lymphatic fluid circulation (The key to defeating the dis-ease process and eliminating acids and toxins.)
  24. Removal of colon bowel pockets or diverticula filled with dried feces
  25. Removal of decades worth of mucoid plaque
  26. Hence you will have more frequent bowel movements and relieve constipation
  27. Strengthening of your kidneys
  28. Strengthening of your adrenal glands
  29. Improvement in your digestive tract health
  30. Improvement from GI maladies like IBS, Colitis, Chron's disease, GERD or heartburn, gastritis etc. 
  31. Lupus symptoms lessening quite a bit
  32. Better nutrient absorption and hence better health
  33. Strengthening of your liver
  34. Better ability to digest fatty foods if that is an issue for you
  35. Dramatic reduction in acids and toxins in the body
  36. Your body will become much more alkaline
  37. Increased alkalinity will be the key to allowing your body to heal itself
  38. Arthritis pain may reduce or go away completely
  39. Wrinkles may simply disappear (not all wrinkles but some)
  40. Food allergies reduce or go away
  41. Seasonal allergies reduce or go away entirely
  42. Memory will improve
  43. Thinking becomes clearer with greater cognition
  44. Greater sense of happiness and well-being
  45. Voice strengthens
  46. Eyesight may improve
  47. Deeper appreciation and love of Nature
  48. Higher levels of spiritual attunement
  49. And  thousands of other so-called diseases will heal or start to heal as you get the acids & toxins out and the alkaline healing nutrients in to your body


Q: Will this detox be a constant fast of some kind?

A: No. For much of it you will be eating a full calorie and Nutrient Complete Raw Food Diet. For people new to eating raw that is a powerful detox in itself.

There may be short periods of one to three days of doing a detox which will still involve eating foods but focusing on a certain category of raw foods only.

Q: Do I have to eat an 100% Raw Food Diet to participate in the Clean Cell Cleanse?

A: No you do not. If you have too many detox symptoms when going 100% raw you can instead eat a vegetarian or vegan low fat cooked diet. But you will include as high a percentage of raw foods as you can handle.

Q: What if I have troubles with blood sugar when eating fruits?

A: If your blood sugar spikes a bit high after eating a fruit meal that is OK. It may mean a couple of things.

One you may have a high state of insulin resistance. The Death Cure Detox is excellent for rapidly reducing insulin resistance. 

Secondly it almost certainly means that you have adrenal gland weakness. The adrenal glands have a lot to do with sugar metabolism. They create several hormones related to sugar metabolism including cortisol. And healing the adrenal glands is something we'll be strongly focusing on during this Clean Cell Cleanse. 

You can start by eating much smaller fruit meals multiple times throughout the day to keep the initial blood sugar spikes lower.

Q: What if I experience painful detox symptoms after eating lots of fruit?

A: For people really struggling with detox symptoms from fruit, you can use a low fat, low protein, no salt and no caffeine cooked vegan or vegetarian diet. And of course, get in as much raw food as you can handle. Especially raw greens and herbs.

As your channels of elimination start to heal you may find you can suddenly eat fruit without the issues you used to once have.

Fruit is very cleansing to the body and the lymphatic system. So when your lymphatic system is blocked or clogged and your kidneys not filtering particulate matter then this can cause painful detox symptoms. 

Why? Because suddenly toxins that used to be stored in one place are moving around in your body but they still cannot escape because your organs of elimination are blocked or not working properly.

So for a small percentage of people, you may have to cut down on fruit quite dramatically at first until you can clear out some of the major blockages in your lymphatic system.

Dates and Times for "The Death Cure Detox" 30-Day Group Detox and Healing Event

NOTE: I needed to change the dates from Saturdays to Sundays so that my co-host could attend but it will be at the same time.

Week 0: Starts on Sunday, October 13, 2024

This week will be in preparation for the group detox. You will receive written instructions telling you what you need to do to get started including what kinds of herbs and any equipment you need to get and where to get them. Week number one is where we actually start doing the Clean Cell System Cleanse.

Week 1: Sunday, October 20, 2024 Starting at 12pm Noon Mountain Standard Time.

NOTE: This live group video streaming event will last a mininum of 90 minutes but could go longer. Please bring your questions.

If you can't make it live that is fine, there will also be a video replay available so that you can watch it over whenever you want to.

Week 2: Sunday, October 27, 2024 Starting at 12pm Noon Mountain Standard Time.

NOTE: This live group video streaming event is scheduled to last one hour but could go longer. Here is where I will be answering a lot of your questions as you go through this detox process. We will have done a lot of stuff to minimize the detox symptoms starting in week two. But as we are doing a deep cleanse there can and will be a myriad of detox issues that can come up.

Week 3: Sunday, November 3, 2024 Starting at 12pm Noon Mountain Standard Time.

NOTE: This live group video streaming event is scheduled to last one hour but could go longer. 

Week 4: Sunday, November 10, 2024 Starting at 12pm Noon Mountain Standard Time.

NOTE: This live group video streaming event is scheduled to last one hour but could go longer. This will be the last official live group event. 

Remember, if you can't make a particular week to that the live session it will be recorded so that you can watch it on demand whenever you want.

LEN Members Get FREE Access
to This Live Event

However, if you are a current Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) member, you will get access to the REGULAR level of "The Death Cure Detox" 30-Day Group Detox and Healing Event  with unlimited video replay as part of your membership at no additional charge.

So if you can't make a certain session or any session live, you will be able to rewatch the video of the live event. There will also be written documents that you will be receiving as part of this group detox.

If you're not yet a LEN member, you can join today by using the link below.

I also have a separate option below where you can get access to just "The Death Cure Detox" 30-Day Group Detox and Healing Event without all the other LEN membership perks. It's just a one time investment.

WARNING: The Choice You Make Here May Cost You Your Life Savings and Most Importantly Your Life!

What happens when the average person gets sick or starts to notice troubling health symptoms? Well almost universally... they go to a doctor.

So let's talk about 3 major diseases that people go to medical doctors for treatment including cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's disease.

Average Lifetime Costs for These Treatments via the Medical System Per Person:

Cancer = $150,000
Heart Failure = $109,541
Alzheimer's Disease = $412,936

Alzheimer's Disease - The total lifetime cost of care for a patient with dementia is estimated at $412,936 in 2022 dollars, with 70% of those costs borne by the family caregivers in the form of unpaid caregiving and out-of-pocket expenses for items ranging from home health support to medications.

So you can see that it can be super expensive were you ever to get any of these "diseases".

But in reality, what did all that money you spent buy you?

Well according to the medical profession there is no cure for any of those diseases. So all that money spent even if it drains your retirement account and forces you to sell your house will never buy you a cure.

The truth is these highly toxic drugs that don't cure usually make your overall health way worse.

And medical doctors really can't cure because most of the time they only address symptoms. They hardly ever understand or deal with the actual cause of the disease process.

Take cancer treatments for instance using chemotherapy. Did you know that the people who work at making the chemotherapy drugs must wear hazmat suits when they are in close contact with these drugs?

The completely ironic thing is that chemotherapy which is supposed to help you improve your cancer is SUPER carcinogenic or cancer causing. These are horrible cell burning acids that your torturer oncologist doctors are injecting into ignorant cancer patients.

What kind of idiot would give a cancer patient highly toxic drugs that actually cause cancer? The side effects (actually direct attacks on your health and immune system) of chemotherapy are horrifying. 

List of SOME Typical Chemotherapy Side Effects

  1. Nausea and vomiting
  2. Hair loss
  3. Cognitive impairment - Memory loss, brain fog etc.
  4. Peripheral neuropathy
  5. Skin and nail changes: Minor skin irritation, such as dryness, itchiness, peeling, or rash, can occur.
  6. Appetite changes:
  7. Infection:
  8. Feeling hot all the time.
  9. Fatigue
  10. Mood swings
  11. Kidney damage
  12. Weight gain (or loss)
  13. Easy bruising
  14. Mouth ulcers
  15. Bleeding
  16. Infertilty
  17. More cancer

Does this list of side effects seem like the body is being healed? 

The way it looks to me is that the body is being poisoned. And that is exactly what is happening with chemo or radiation therapy.

The theory behind medical cancer therapy is to heal you via poisoning you.

Chemotherapy is known by doctors to damage the immune system. In fact, your doctors want your immune system weak and warn you not to take any herbs or supplements that might boost your immune system while you're on chemo.

Only people who are ignorant of the laws of healing could fall for the barbaric medical system methods of treating so-called cancer. And unfortunately there are millions of such people who fall for the lies of the Medical Mafia and their lives are needlessly ruined by doing so.

Chemotheraputic drugs are toxic and acidic. They don't heal they just speed up the disease and "aging" process.

The only thing that chemotherapy can do is make your cancer worse and your overall health worse. Why? Because the chemo drugs are heavy duty toxins and carcinogens that will damage not only the cancer cells but your healthy cells as well.

Even if a tumor is removed it does not mean that the cancerous cells in the rest of the body are gone. And by using chemotherapy and radiation therapy you are causing even more cells to become cancerous due to these cell damaging toxins being put into your body.

So the net result, no matter how long the remission is, ends up being a negative downturn in your overall state of health.

Because you can't poison yourself to health.

If you want to heal cancer you must clean your cells and get the acids out that are burning and destroying your cells and turning them cancerous.

And you're going to get similar health destroying problems or side effects with heart disease treatments and Alzheimer's.

The medical system has absolutely no cure for heart disease. Maybe they'll open you up and put a stent in you. If you think that's doing much to help you then I've got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

What Happened to a Business Associate of Mine in New Jersey

Many years ago I used to work with a sporting goods store in East Brunswick, New Jersey doing tennis racquet stringing for their customers. And they had two owners. Well one of them was in his mid fifties and one day he just dropped dead of a heart attack. I later found out that he had heart disease and had a stent put in him previously. A lot of good that did him. 

I was totally shocked to see that he had died so young. I had no idea that guy had had heart disease or that he had a stent. I had known him for a few years already before he died of that heart attack.

Every single prescription drug has many dangerous side effects.

Yet, most herbs (though not all) are far safer to take than aspirin and have very few side effects. 

The truth is that cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's disease are all HEALABLE without surgery, drugs, radiation etc. I know hundreds of cases of people healing these health problems via natural methods.

It's easy to heal when you know the cause and next to impossible when you don't.

I've already done an extensive report for my LEN members of how to heal Alzheimer's and dementia. And they have been healed hundreds of times but only by a few healers who understand the true cause of these maladies.

If your cells are clean and well nourished then you can never have any of the above so-called diseases. And that is exactly what we'll be doing during the Death Cure Detox.

We're going to Roto Router your arteries and lymphatic system.

We'll be giving your body a major Spring cleaning by doing the Clean Cell Cleanse.

Plus you'll also nourish your cells better than they have ever been nourished before with my Nutrient Complete System.

What I am offering you is a chance to deep clean and heal your body and prevent you from having any of these dreaded diseases. And it won't cost you an arm and a leg.

And if you already have cancer, heart disease or Alzheimer's disease or dementia in general, the Clean Cell Cleanse is the absolute best thing you can do to start reversing it.

The truth of the matter is that 99% of American adults and most everyone else around the world that eats a similar cooked food diet has been doing so much damage to their body's for decades that they already have clogged arteries or atherosclerosis.

Plus they already have cancerous cells.

And if you have noticed that your memory is not as great as it used to be, it is almost certainly an early warning sign of dementia. This loss of memory and general brain function is a sign that you have poor circulation in the brain and that your neurons are being damaged by acidic toxins.

Just because you turn 45 years old does not mean it is normal for your memory to stop being as sharp as it used to be.

Yes, virtually every adult is already suffering from the early stages of heart disease, cancer and dementia.

It turns out that the right way to heal is also the most cost effective way.

See the table below. The small investment you make in the Death Cure Detox will do you far more good and cost you virtually nothing compared to spending 150K on toxic cancer treatments and disfiguring surgeries. 

How do I join the Death Cure Detox right away?

Note: This will be a live group video streaming event. You may attend on your computer, smartphone and or even just by a telephone call if that is your only option. And you will be able to ask questions. The video sessions will be recorded so if for some reason you can't make it to a particular session live, you'll still be able to watch the video replay.

Death Cure 30-Day Group Detox
Four weekly live group video events. Learn how to detox and heal with the Clean Cell System in a safe and friendly environment. (Value $1,000)
"The Secret of Healing Virtually Every Disease With Fresh Herbs from Your Supermarket" Guide to super potent and inexpensive Heal All Herbs that you can find in most supermarkets and grocery stores worldwide. (Value $200)
Written instructions for what herbs to purchase and how to get them at the best quality and price. (Value $100)
I will give you custom herbal recommendations for your specific health problems via a 90-minute telephone or video consultation which will be recorded so that you can rewatch it at any time. (Value $500)
Diagnostic Health Assessment Questionnaire Analysis. (Value $100)
Unlimited email questions and support for 30-days. (Value $200)
Get These Valuable BONUSES When You Join Today 
HEALERCISE and the Holy Grail Anti-Aging Fitness System (Value $97.77)
RAPID HEALING OINTMENT:  This inexpensive herbal ointment is great for rapid healing of broken bones, wounds, rashes, psoriasis, eczema, mosquito and bug bites etc. It's also a great pain reliever and relieves arthritis, joint, back, shoulder pain etc. Plus it is great for diaper rash, burns, sunburn, bruises, hemorrhoids, sprains, pulled muscles, scars, skin cancer, plantar fasciitis, torn ligaments etc. (Value $77.77)
My brand new and absolutely moutwatering "PASSIONATE PARSLEY STEW" raw recipe. (Value $20.00)
Savory Veggie Stews - World famous raw recipes program that satisfies your cravings for savory foods while doubling your greens intake. (Value $97.00)
Normal Price: 
Sale Price: 
What You Save: 

Best Choice

Option # 1: Join the Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) Group and Get FREE Access to the Regular Level of "The Death Cure Detox" Live Video Event with Replay.  Plus You Get 14 Fantastic Healing Programs as Bonuses Worth Over $700.00

Save $43.00

Also save a whopping $43.00 off of LEN initial membership fee. Copy this coupon code below to use at the checkout page. Coupon expires when the countdown timer on this page hits zero.

Coupon Code: DC14FOR1

Or click on this link below:


NOTE: If you are a LEN member or about to be and want to do the Custom Level of the Death Cure Detox then just email me at...

support ( at ) superbeing ( dot ) com

...and I'll hook you up with a discounted rate exclusive for LEN members.

NOTE2: The button and link above take you to the original Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) description page where you will discover all of the other healing, happiness and anti-aging benefits of joining the LEN family that are not time sensitive. Toward the very bottom of that page you will find the order button to join LEN. 

Option # 2: Get the Regular level of "The Death Cure Detox" Live Video Group Healing Event with Replay by itself WITHOUT access to the Light Energy Nutrition group. Just a one time payment.

Remember you will save $308 off of the normal price when you join before the countdown timer at the top of this page hits zero.
Death Cure Detox - 30-Day Group Detox with Raw Foods, Potent Herbs, Healercise & More

Option # 3: Get the Custom Level of "The Death Cure Detox" Live Video Group Healing Event with Replay by itself WITHOUT access to the Light Energy Nutrition group. Just a one time payment.

Remember you will save $408 off of the normal price when you join before the countdown timer at the top of this page hits zero.
Death Cure Detox - 30-Day Group Detox with Raw Foods, Potent Herbs, Healercise & More

If You Have Any Questions

Please email us at... 

support ( at ) superbeing ( dot ) com

Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,

Roger David Haeske

Nature Healer - Creator of the N.A.T. Heal All - Clean Cell System

Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & Eternal Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 23-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Raw Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"